Monday, November 30, 2009

Police and High Speed Chases~

Is is really worth your life to get involved in a high speed chase to get away from the police? Do people really think that they can get away from them? Lately, there have been numerous accounts of people making a run for it, and frankly, I am tired of reading about these individuals. What's worse, is that some of these people have children with them in their vehicle, and they are putting those children in harm's way. The children, of course, have no say in the matter, and they are forced to go along in the high speed chase. It's one thing to make a run for it when you are alone. How drunk or high or stupid does one have to be to think that it is in any way okay to do that to a child? Maybe there should be some sort of test to ensure that those types of people would not be able to have children! Then there are those individuals who, after being chased at high speeds, get out of their vehicle and pull a gun. The either shoot someone or get shot themselves. Then there are those who are so full of guilt or are so depressed that when they get out of their vehicle, they commit suicide rather than face the consequences of their actions. Is it really worth taking a life in trade for the punishment that would otherwise await them for their actions? Maybe it's the drugs or alcohol that makes them do these outrageous things. Or, maybe it's their lack of a conscience that allows them to do these types of things. I don't know as I have never been high on drugs as well as having a strong conscience that guides me through life. Maybe the authorities need to have more checkpoints to stop these individuals before a high speed chase is necessary. It might cost more money at first, but the savings would be huge in the end as the amount of human suffering would be greatly reduced. I don't know the right answer, but I do know that driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and running from the police is getting out of control.

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